Friday, 31 August 2012

SSAS Basic Concepts Part - 1

What are Measures and Measure Groups? What is the difference between them?

A Measure is any numeric quantity/value that represents a metric aligned to an organization's goals. This is the value which the business users are interested in, and are interested in viewing these values from different angles and different granularity levels. A measure is also commonly called a fact. The term "measures" and "facts" are used interchangeably.
A Measure Group is a collection/group of measures which belong to the same underlying fact table. In SSAS, typically each Measure Group is tied to each one of the underlying fact tables.
A Measure is single numeric value whereas a Measure Group is a collection of measures.

What are the different types of Measures? Explain each one of them with an example.

Below are the most common types of measures/facts:
  • Fully Additive Facts: These are facts which can be added across all the associated dimensions. For example, sales amount is a fact which can be summed across different dimensions like customer, geography, date, product, and so on.
  • Semi-Additive Facts: These are facts which can be added across only few dimensions rather than all dimensions. For example, bank balance is a fact which can be summed across the customer dimension (i.e. the total balance of all the customers in a bank at the end of a particular quarter).  However, the same fact cannot be added across the date dimension (i.e. the total balance at the end of quarter 1 is $X million and $Y million at the end of quarter 2, so at the end of quarter 2, the total balance is only $Y million and not $X+$Y).
  • Non-Additive Facts: These are facts which cannot be added across any of the dimensions in the cube. For example, profit margin is a fact which cannot be added across any of the dimensions. For example, if product P1 has a 10% profit and product P2 has a 10% profit then your net profit is still 10% and not 20%.  We cannot add profit margins across product dimensions. Similarly, if your profit margin is 10% on Day1 and 10% on Day2, then your net Profit Margin at the end of Day2 is still 10% and not 20%.
  • Derived Facts: Derived facts are the facts which are calculated from one or more base facts, often by applying additional criteria. Often these are not stored in the cube and are calculated on the fly at the time of accessing them. For example, profit margin.
  • Factless Facts: A factless fact table is one which only has references (Foreign Keys) to the dimensions and it does not contain any measures. These types of fact tables are often used to capture events (valid transactions without a net change in a measure value). For example, a balance enquiry at an automated teller machine (ATM). Though there is no change in the account balance, this transaction is still important for analysis purposes.
  • Textual Facts: Textual facts refer to the textual data present in the fact table, which is not measurable (non-additive), but is important for analysis purposes. For example, codes (i.e. product codes), flags (i.e. status flag), etc.

What is the purpose of Dimension Usage settings? Explain different types of relationships between Facts and Dimensions.

The Dimension Usage tab in the Cube Designer in SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio defines the relationship between a Cube Dimension and a Measure Group (s). A Dimension which is related to one of more Measure Groups, directly/indirectly, is called as a Cube Dimension. Following are the four different types of relationships between a Cube Dimension and a Measure Group:
  • Regular: In a Regular relationship, primary key column of a dimension is directly connected to the fact table. This type of relationship is similar to the relationship between a dimension and a fact in a Star Schema, and it can be based on either the physical primary key-foreign key relationship in the underlying relational database or the logical primary key-foreign key relationship defined in the Data Source View.
  • Referenced: In a Referenced relationship, primary key columns of a dimension is indirectly connected to the fact table through a key column in the intermediate dimension table. This type of relationship is similar to the indirect relationship between a dimension and a fact, through an intermediate dimension, in a Snowflake Schema.
  • Fact: In a Fact relationship, the dimension table and the fact table are one and the same. Basically a Fact Dimension or Degenerate Dimensionis created using one or more columns from the fact table and this degenerate dimension is used while defining/establishing the relationship in case of a fact relationship.
  • Many-to-Many: In a Many-to-Many relationship, a dimension is indirectly connected to a Measure Group through an intermediate fact table which joins with the dimension table. It is analogous to a scenario, where one project can have multiple project managers and one project manager can manage multiple projects.

What are Calculated Members? How do they differ from Measures?

Calculated Members are members of a measure group and are defined based on a combination of one or more base measures, arithmetic/conditional operators, numeric values, and functions, etc. For example, profit is a calculated member/calculate measure, which is defined based on various base measures like selling price, cost, price, tax amount, freight amount, etc.
The value of a measure (base measure) is stored in a cube as part of the cube processing process. Whereas the value of a calculated member/measure is calculated on the fly in response to a user request and only the definition is stored in the cube.

What are Named Sets? What are the two types of Named Sets?

A Named Set is a set of dimension members (usually a subset of dimension members) and is defined using MDX (a Multidimensional Expression). Often Named Sets are defined for improved usability by the end users and client applications. Apart from that, they can also be used for various calculations at the cube level. Similar to calculated members/measures, named sets are defined using a combination of cube/dimension data, arithmetic operators, numeric values, functions, etc. Some of the examples of Named Sets are top 50 customers, top 10 products, top 5 students, etc.
Named Sets are of two types: Static Named Sets and Dynamic Named Sets.
Static Named Sets, when defined in cube, are evaluated during cube processing process. Dynamic Named Sets are evaluated each time the query is invoked by the user.

What are KPIs? What are the different properties associated with a KPI?

KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator. A KPI is a measure of an organization's performance in a pre-defined area of interest. KPIs are defined to align with the pre-defined organizational goals and help the business decision makers gain insights into their business performance.
Often KPIs have the following five commonly used properties:
  • Name: Indicates the name of the Key Performance Indicator.
  • Actual/Value: Indicates the actual value of a measure pre-defined to align with organizational goals.
  • Target/Goal: Indicates the target value (i.e. goal) of a measure pre-defined to align with organizational goals.
  • Status: It is a numeric value and indicates the status of the KPI like performance is better than expected, performance is as expected, performance is not as expected, performance is much lower than expected, etc.
  • Trend: It is a numeric value and indicates the KPIs trend like performance is constant over a period of time, performance is improving over a period of time, performance is degrading over a period of time, etc.
Apart from the above listed properties, most of the times, KPIs contain the following two optional properties:
  • Status Indicator: It is a graphical Indicator used to visually display the status of a KPI. Usually colors like red, yellow, and green are used or even other graphics like smiley or unhappy faces.
  • Trend Indicator: It is a graphical indicator used to visually display the trend of a KPI. Usually up arrow, right arrow, and down arrow are used.

What are Actions in SSAS? What are the different types of Actions in SQL Server Analysis Services?

Actions in SSAS allow us to extend the cube functionality and enable the users to interact with the cube. An Action in simple terms is basically an event, which can be initiated by a user/application and it can take various forms depending upon the type of Action defined.
Actions are primarily of following three types:
  • Drillthrough Actions: A Drillthrough Actionretrieves the detail level information associated with the cube data based on which the Drillthrough Action is defined.
  • Reporting Actions: A Reporting Action retrieves an SSRS report which is associated with the cube data. The command which invokes the SSRS report contains the report URL along with the report parameters.
  • Standard Actions: A Standard Action retrieves the action element associated with the cube data. Standard actions are further categorized into 5 different subcategories and the action element varies for each of these subcategories. The following are the types of Standard Actions:
    • Dataset Action: Returns a dataset to the client application and the action content is an MDX expression.
    • Proprietary Action: Performs an operation as defined by the client application. The action content for this type of action is specific to the calling client application and the client application is responsible for interpreting the meaning of the Action.
    • Rowset Action: A Rowset Action returns a Rowset to the client application. The action content is a command to retrieve the data.
    • Statement Action: The action content for this type of Action is an OLE DB command and it returns a command string to the client application.
    • URL Action: The Action Content for this type of action is an URL and it returns a URL to the client application which can be opened usually in a web browser. This is the default action.

What are partitions in cubes? How do they different from table partitions at a SQL Server database level?

A partition is physical storage space which contains either all or a portion of measure group data. Each measure group in SSAS has one partition by default.
A partition can be either bound to a table in the underlying relational database or a query pointing to the table(s) in the underlying database and has filters in it.
In terms of storage, cube partitions in SSAS and table partitions in a database are similar. Both these types of partitions are used to improve the performance. However, partitions in SSAS offer additional benefits including:
  • Each partition can be processed separately (i.e. a measure group can be split across multiple partitions, for example one partition for each year). Only the partitions in which data has been modified can be processed thereby improving the processing time of the cube.
  • Partitions provide improved manageability by allowing us to define storage mode, aggregation design, etc. at the partition level and these settings can vary between different partitions belonging to the same measure group.

What are the different Storage Modes supported by Cube Partitions?

There are primarily two types of data in SSAS: summary and detail data. Based on the approach used to store each of these two types of data, there are three standard storage modes supported by partitions:
  • ROLAP: ROLAP stands for Real Time Online Analytical Processing. In this storage mode, summary data is stored in the relational data warehouse and detail data is stored in the relational database. This storage mode offers low latency, but it requires large storage space as well as slower processing and query response times.
  • MOLAP: MOLAP stands for Multidimensional Online Analytical Processing. In this storage mode, both summary and detail data is stored on the OLAP server (multidimensional storage). This storage mode offers faster query response and processing times, but offers a high latency and requires average amount of storage space. This storage mode leads to duplication of data as the detail data is present in both the relational as well as the multidimensional storage.
  • HOLAP: HOLAP stands for Hybrid Online Analytical Processing. This storage mode is a combination of ROLAP and MOLAP storage modes. In this storage mode, summary data is stored in OLAP server (Multidimensional storage) and detail data is stored in the relational data warehouse. This storage mode offers optimal storage space, query response time, latency and fast processing times.

What is proactive caching in SQL Server Analysis Services?

Proactive caching is an advanced feature in SSAS and it enables a cube to reflect the most recent data present in the underlying database by automatically refreshing the cube based on the predefined settings. This feature allows the users to view the data in near real-time.
Proactive caching can be configured to refresh the cache (MOLAP cache) either on a pre-defined schedule or in response to an event (change in the data) from the underlying relational database. Proactive caching settings also determine whether the data is queried from the underlying relational database (ROLAP) or is read from the outdated MOLAP cache, while the MOLAP cache is rebuilt.
Proactive caching helps in minimizing latency and achieve high performance.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Sql Server Interview Questions-Part 1

1. What are three SQL keywords used to change or set permissions? GRANT, DENY, and REVOKE.
2. What is the basic functions for master, msdb, model, tempdb databases?  
Master -  database holds information for all databases located on the SQL Server instance and is the glue that holds the engine together. Because SQL Server cannot start without a functioning master database, you must administer this database with care.
msdb - database stores information regarding database backups, SQL Agent information, DTS packages, SQL Server jobs, and some replication information such as for log shipping.
tempdb - holds temporary objects such as global and local temporary tables and stored procedures.
mode -l is essentially a template database used in the creation of any new user database created in the instance.
3. Constraints – Enforcing some role
PRIMARY KEY is a unique identifier for a row within a database table. We can Only One time assign in the column of the Table. It will be Not allow the Null and Repeated data in the table column.
UNIQUE same as Primary key But we can assign no of column in the table and it will allow only one time  Null value.
 FOREIGN KEY Referential integrity. But we can assign no of column in the table and it will allow repeated value Not allow the null value.
A CHECK constraint is used to limit the values that can be placed in a column. The check constraints are used to enforce domain integrity.
A NOT NULL constraint enforces that the column will not accept null values. The not null constraints are used to enforce domain integrity, as the check constraints.

4. What is De-normalization?
De-normalization is the process of attempting to optimize the performance of a database by adding redundant data. It is sometimes necessary because current DBMSs implement the relational model poorly. A true relational DBMS would allow for a fully normalized database at the logical level, while providing physical storage of data that is tuned for high performance. De-normalization is a technique to move from higher to lower normal forms of database modeling in order to speed up database access.
5. How to get @@error and @@rowcount at the same time?
If @@Rowcount is checked after Error checking statement then it will have 0 as the value of @@Recordcount as it would have been reset. And if @@Recordcount is checked before the error-checking statement then @@Error would get reset. To get @@error and @@rowcount at the same time do both in same statement and store them in local variable. SELECT @RC = @@ROWCOUNT, @ER = @@ERROR
6. What is a Scheduled Jobs or What is a Scheduled Tasks?
Scheduled tasks let user automate processes that run on regular or predictable cycles. User can schedule administrative tasks, such as cube processing, to run during times of slow business activity. User can also determine the order in which tasks run by creating job steps within a SQL Server Agent job. E.g. Back up database, Update Stats of Tables. Job steps give user control over flow of execution.  If one job fails, user can configure SQL Server Agent to continue to run the remaining tasks or to stop execution.
7.How do you load large data to the SQL server database?
BulkCopy is a tool used to copy huge amount of data from tables. BULK INSERT command helps to Imports a data file into a database table or view in a user-specified format.
8. What is the difference between stroed procedure and stored function in SQL?
Function can return a table variable where as sp cannot.
T-SQl ignore error in Sp and proceed to next line where as function stops.
You Can use sp in XML For Clause , but Function can't be used there

9. Can we have an updateable view in SQL? no , they are read only.

10 What is connection pooling? how can we acheive that in
there is a pool for database connections, the moment when we request for database connection check if there is a recent connection in the pool with the same connectionString, If it find, it used that otherwise create a new connection.We can use connection Pooling in by System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionPoolManager furthermore, We can define pooling attribute in connection string
pooling=false|True,Min Pool Size=50,Max Pool Size=600

11. What is the maximum length of a varchar in SQL Server? 8000

12. Difference between varchar and char:

Use varchar when your strings do not have a fixed length (e.g. names, cities, etc.)

Use char when your strings are always going to be the same length (e.g. phone numbers, zip codes, etc).

13. What are the different types of replication? Explain.
   The SQL Server 2000-supported replication types are as follows:

Publisher—The server providing the source data that will be made available to subscribers.
Article—A collection of data that exists as part of a replication publication.     
Publication—One or more articles that act as a unit of replication.
Distributor—The server that is responsible for providing data to subscribers.
Subscriber—A server or client that receives a publication.
Push Replication—A method of replication whereby the distributor delivers the data to the
Pull Replication—A method of replication whereby the subscriber requests the data from the
Publisher/Distributor—A publishing server that acts as its own distributor.

· Transactional
· Snapshot
· Merge

Snapshot replication distributes data exactly as it appears at a specific moment in time and does not monitor for updates to the data. Snapshot replication is best used as a method for replicating data that changes infrequently or where the most up-to-date values (low latency) are not a requirement. When synchronization occurs, the entire snapshot is generated and sent to Subscribers.

Transactional replication, an initial snapshot of data is applied at Subscribers, and then when data modifications are made at the Publisher, the individual transactions are captured and propagated to Subscribers.

Merge replication is the process of distributing data from Publisher to Subscribers, allowing the Publisher and Subscribers to make updates while connected or disconnected, and then merging the updates between sites when they are connected.

14. What is Normalization

* Normalization is the process of organizing data in a database.
* This includes creating tables and establishing relationships between those tables according to rules designed
          both to protect the data
* make the database more flexible by eliminating two factors:
  2.inconsistent dependency.

Rules of Data Normalization
1NF Eliminate Repeating Groups - Make a separate table for each set of related attributes, and give each table a primary key.
2NF Eliminate Redundant Data - If an attribute depends on only part of a multi-valued key, remove it to a separate table.
3NF Eliminate Columns Not Dependent On Key - If attributes do not contribute to a description of the key, remove them to a separate table.
BCNF Boyce-Codd Normal Form - If there are non-trivial dependencies between candidate key attributes, separate them out into distinct tables.
4NF Isolate Independent Multiple Relationships - No table may contain two or more 1:n or n:m relationships that are not directly related.
5NF Isolate Semantically Related Multiple Relationships - There may be practical constrains on information that justify separating logically related many-to-many relationships.
ONF Optimal Normal Form - a model limited to only simple (elemental) facts, as expressed in Object Role Model notation.
DKNF Domain-Key Normal Form - a model free from all modification anomalies.

15. What is Stored Procedures?
1.System stored procedures -- mainly used for administrating, assisting, configuring and monitoring the SQL server.
2.Extended stored procedures
3.User stored procedures

16. What is Trigger?

A trigger is a SQL procedure that initiates an action when an event (INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE) occurs. Triggers are stored in and managed by the DBMS.Triggers are used to maintain the referential integrity of data by changing the data in a systematic fashion. A trigger cannot be called or executed; the DBMS automatically fires the trigger as a result of a data modification to the associated table.

Triggers can be viewed as similar to stored procedures in that both consist of procedural
logic that is stored at the database level. Stored procedures, however, are not event-drive and are not attached to a specific table as triggers are. Stored procedures are explicitly executed by invoking a CALL to the procedure while triggers are implicitly executed. In addition, triggers can also execute stored procedures.

data manipulation language (DML) triggers and
data definitionlanguage (DDL) triggers.

DML triggers run when INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETEstatements modify data in a specified table or view.
DDL triggers, which run in response to DDL events that occur on the server such as creating, altering, or dropping an object, are used for database administration tasks such as auditing and controlling object access

When you execute an INSERT operation, the INSERTED table contains each row that
was inserted into the table, whereas the DELETED table does not contain any rows.
When you execute a DELETE statement, the DELETED table contains each ro

was deleted from the table, whereas the INSERTED table does not contain any rows.
When you execute an UPDATE statement, the INSERTED table contains the after
image of each row you updated, and the DELETED table contains the before image of
each row that you updated.

The before image is simply a copy of the row as it existed
before you executed the UPDATE statement. The after image reflects the data in the
row after the UPDATE statement has changed appropriate values.

Nested Trigger: A trigger can also contain INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE logic within itself, so when the trigger is fired because of data modification it can also cause another data modification, thereby firing another trigger. A trigger that contains data modification logic within itself is called a nested trigger.

17. What is difference between DELETE & TRUNCATE commands?
Delete command removes the rows from a table based on the condition that we provide with a WHERE clause. Truncate will actually remove all the rows from a table and there will be no data in the table after we run the truncate command.
     TRUNCATE is faster and uses fewer system and transaction log resources than DELETE.
    TRUNCATE removes the data by deallocating the data pages used to store the table’s data, and only
                the page deallocations are recorded in the transaction log.
    TRUNCATE removes all rows from a table, but the table structure, its columns, constraints, indexes and so
          on, remains. The counter used by an identity for new rows is reset to the seed for the column.
You cannot use TRUNCATE TABLE on a table referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint. Because  
    TRUNCATE TABLE is not logged, it cannot activate a trigger.
    TRUNCATE cannot be rolled back.
    TRUNCATE is DDL Command.
    TRUNCATE Resets identity of the table

                DELETE removes rows one at a time and records an entry in the transaction log for each deleted row.
                If you want to retain the identity counter, use DELETE instead. If you want to remove table definition
                and its data, use the DROP TABLE statement.
                DELETE Can be used with or without a WHERE clause
                DELETE Activates Triggers.
                DELETE can be rolled back.
                DELETE is DML Command.
                DELETE does not reset identity of the table.

18. What types of Joins are possible with Sql Server?

1. A join combines records from two tables in a relational database and results in a new (temporary) table, also called joined table
2. Joins are used in queries to explain how different tables are related. Joins also let you select data from a table depending upon data from another table.


An inner join essentially finds the intersection between the two tables. This is the most common type of join used, and is considered the default join type. Inner joins return all rows from multiple tables where the join condition is met.

While not used very commonly, a cross join is the foundation upon which inner joins are built. A cross join returns the cartesian product of the sets of rows from the joined tables. Thus, it is an inner join where the join condition always evaluates to True.
If A and B are two sets then cross join = A X B.

A left outer join is very different from an inner join. Instead of limiting results to those in both tables, it limits results to those in the "left" table (A). This means that if the ON clause matches 0 records in B, a row in the result will still be returned but with NULL in each column from B.

This type of join returns all rows from one table and only those rows from a secondary table where the joined fields are equal (join condition is met).

A left outer join returns all the values from left table + matched values from right table (or NULL in case of no matching value).


A right outer join is much like a left outer join, except that the tables are reversed. Every record from the right side, B, will be returned, and NULL will be returned for columns from A for those rows that have no matching record in A.

A right outer join returns all the values from right table + matched values from left table (or NULL in case of no matching value).

A full outer join combines the results of both left and right outer joins. These joins will show records from both tables, and fill in Nulls for missing matches on either side.
19. What is the difference of a LEFT JOIN and an INNER JOIN statement?
A LEFT JOIN will take ALL values from the first declared table and matching values from the second declared table based on the column the join has been declared on. An INNER JOIN will take only matching values from both tables
20. What is job?
It can be defined as a task performed by a computer system. For example, printing a file is a job. Jobs can be performed by a single program or by a collection of programs.
21.How do you find the error, how can you know the number of rows affected by last SQL Statement?
@@errors->give the last error occurred in the current DB.
select @@rowcount

Use @@ERROR which returns the error number for the last T-SQL statement executed knowing the error.Use @@ROWCOUNT which returns the number of rows affected by the last statement for finding the no of rows affected.
22. How do u call and execute a stored procedure in .NET?

SqlConnection sqCon = new SqlConnection(”connection string”);
SqlCommand sqCmd = new SqCmd();
sqCmd.Connection = sqCon;
sqCmd.CommandText = procedure_name;
sqCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
23. What is Stored Procedure?
A stored procedure is a named group of SQL statements that have been previously created and stored in the server database. Stored procedures accept input parameters so that a single procedure can be used over the network by several clients using different input data. And when the procedure is modified, all clients automatically get the new version. Stored procedures reduce network traffic and improve performance. Stored procedures can be used to help ensure the integrity of the database.
e.g. sp_helpdb, sp_renamedb, sp_depends etc.

24. What is a trigger?
Triggers are basically used to implement business rules. A trigger is also similar to stored procedures. The difference is that it can be activated when data is added or edited or deleted from a table in a database.

Nested Trigger: A trigger can also contain INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE logic within itself, so when the trigger is fired because of data modification it can also cause another data modification, thereby firing another trigger. A trigger that contains data modification logic within itself is called a nested trigger.

25. What is View?

A simple view can be thought of as a subset of a table. It can be used for retrieving data, as well as updating or deleting rows. Rows updated or deleted in the view are updated or deleted in the table the view was created with. It should also be noted that as data in the original table changes, so does data in the view, as views are the way to look at part of the original table. The results of using a view are not permanently stored in the database. The data accessed through a view is actually constructed using standard T-SQL select command and can come from one to many different base tables or even other views.

The only restrictions are that the view’s SELECT statement CANNOT do the following:
Use the COMPUTE or COMPUTE BY clause
Use the INTO keyword
Use the OPTION clause
Reference a temporary table or table variable
Use the ORDER BY clause unless it also specifies the TOP operator
you cannot use TOP when you specify WITH CHECK OPTION

you can include a WHERE clause that limits the range of rows that the view returns. However, the WHERE clause does not restrict the changes that users can make through the view. To restrict the changes that users can make, you use the CREATE VIEW command’s WITH CHECK OPTION clause when defining the view.

The SELECT statement that is used to create the view must follow these restrictions:
1. Column names must be explicitly stated in the SELECT statement; you can’t use * or table name.*  
    to access columns.
2. You may not reference a column twice in the SELECT statement unless all references,or all but one
    reference, to the column is made in a complex expression. For example,
    the following is illegal:
    SELECT qty, orderid, qty
    However, the following is legal:
    SELECT qty, orderid, SUM (qty)

3.  You may not use a derived table that comes from using a SELECT statement encased in
     parentheses in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement.
5.  Subqueries and outer or self JOINs can’t be used.
6.  The AVG, MAX, MIN, STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, and VARP aggregate functions aren’t allowed
     in the SELECT statement. If you need the functionality they provide, consider replacing
     them with either SUM() or COUNT_BIG().
7.  A SUM() that references a nullable expression isn’t allowed.
8.  A Common Language Specification (CLS) user-defined function can only appear in the
     SELECT list of the view, it can’t be used in WHERE or JOIN clauses.
9.  CONTAINS and FREETEXT aren’t allowed in the SELECT statement.
10. If you use GROUP BY, you can’t use HAVING, ROLLUP, or CUBE, and you must use COUNT_
     BIG() in the select list.

Common uses for views include:
 Filtering rows
 Protecting sensitive data
 Reducing database complexity
 Abstracting multiple physical databases into one logical database

1. You can’t modify data in a view that uses aggregate functions. Aggregates are functions
that return a summary value of some kind, such as SUM () or AVG (). If you try to modify
such a view, you’ll get an error.

2. If you use a view to modify data, the modification can affect only one base table at a time.
This means if a view presents data from two tables, you can write a statement that will
update only one of those tables—if your statement tries to update both tables, you’ll get
an error message.

Indexed View
1. The view must use the SCHEMABINDING option.
2. If it references any user-defined functions (more on these later in the book), then these must
    Also be schema bound.
3. The view must not reference any other views—just tables and UDFs.
4. All tables and UDFs referenced in the view must utilize a two-part (not even three-part and
four-part names are allowed) naming convention (for example dbo.Customers,BillyBob.SomeUDF) and must also have the same owner as the view.
5. The view must be in the same database as all objects referenced by the view.
6. The ANSI_NULLS and QUOTED_IDENTIFIER options must have been turned on (using the SET
      command) at the time the view and all underlying tables were created.
7. Any functions referenced by the view must be deterministic.

Using Partitioned Views

Partitioned views allow the data in a large table to be split into smaller member tables. The data is partitioned between the member tables based on ranges of data values in one of the columns. The data ranges for each member table are defined in a CHECK constraint specified on the partitioning column.
A view that uses UNION ALL to combine selects of all the member tables into a single result set is then defined. When SELECT statements referencing the view specify a search condition on the partition column, the query optimizer uses the CHECK constraint definitions to determine which member table contains the rows.

26. What is an Index?
When queries are run against a db, an index on that db basically helps in the way the data is sorted to process the query for faster and data retrievals are much faster when we have an index.

What is the difference between clustered and a non-clustered index?

A clustered index is a special type of index that reorders the way records in the table are physically stored. Therefore table can have only one clustered index. The leaf nodes of a clustered index contain the data pages.

A nonclustered index is a special type of index in which the logical order of the index does not match the physical stored order of the rows on disk. The leaf node of a nonclustered index does not consist of the data pages. Instead, the leaf nodes contain index rows.

27. What are the different index configurations a table can have?
A table can have one of the following index configurations:

No indexes
A clustered index
A clustered index and many nonclustered indexes
A nonclustered index
Many nonclustered indexes

28. What are cursors?
Well cursors help us to do an operation on a set of data that we retrieve by commands such as Select columns from table. For example : If we have duplicate records in a table we can remove it by declaring a cursor which would check the records during retrieval one by one and remove rows which have duplicate values.
In order to work with a cursor we need to perform some steps in the following order:

Declare cursor
Open cursor
Fetch row from the cursor
Process fetched row
Close cursor
Deallocate cursor
 Cursor plays there row quite nicely but although there are some disadvantage of Cursor .
Because we know cursor doing roundtrip it will make network line busy and also make time consuming methods.

First of all select query gernate output and after that cursor goes one by one so roundtrip happen.Another disadvange of cursor are ther are too costly because they require lot of resources and temporary storage so network is quite busy.

29. Which TCP/IP port does SQL Server run on?
SQL Server runs on port 1433 but we can also change it for better security.

30 Can we use Truncate command on a table which is referenced by FOREIGN KEY?
No. We cannot use Truncate command on a table with Foreign Key because of referential integrity.

31. What command do we use to rename a db? sp_renamedb ‘oldname’ , ‘newname’

32. What is the difference between a HAVING CLAUSE and a WHERE CLAUSE?
Having Clause is basically used only with the GROUP BY function in a query. WHERE Clause is applied to each row before they are part of the GROUP BY function in a query.

33. What do you mean by COLLATION?
Collation is basically the sort order. There are three types of sort order Dictionary case sensitive, Dictonary - case insensitive and Binary.

34. What is a Join in SQL Server? Join actually puts data from two or more tables into a single result set.

35. When do you use SQL Profiler?
SQL Profiler utility allows us to basically track connections to the SQL Server and also determine activities such as which SQL Scripts are running, failed jobs etc..

36. What is a Linked Server?
Linked Servers is a concept in SQL Server by which we can add other SQL Server to a Group and query both the SQL Server dbs using T-SQL Statements.

37. Can you link only other SQL Servers or any database servers such as Oracle?
We can link any server provided we have the OLE-DB provider from Microsoft to allow a link. For Oracle we have a OLE-DB provider for oracle that microsoft provides to add it as a linked server to the sql server group.

38. Which stored procedure will you be running to add a linked server? sp_addlinkedserver, sp_addlinkedsrvlogin

39. What are the OS services that the SQL Server installation adds?
MS SQL SERVER SERVICE, SQL AGENT SERVICE, DTC (Distribution transac co-ordinator)

40. Can you explain the role of each service?
SQL SERVER - is for running the databases SQL AGENT - is for automation such as Jobs, DB Maintanance, Backups DTC - Is for linking and connecting to other SQL Servers

41. What are the authentication modes in SQL Server?
Windows mode and mixed mode (SQL & Windows).

42. Where do you think the users names and passwords will be stored in sql server?
They get stored in master db in the sysxlogins table.

43. What cursor type do you use to retrieve multiple recordsets? Explicit Cursor.
Note : To retrieve Singe record we use Implicit Cursor

44. What is the difference between "translate" and "replace"?
   eg : replace('abcabccab', 'abc', 'def') = defdefcab
   eg : translate('abcabccab', 'abc', 'def') = defdeffde

45. How to create a database link ?
   Mainly used to access remote database.

      [USING <connect_string>]

      [CONNECT TO <user> IDENTIFIED BY <password>]
      [AUTHENTICATED BY <user> IDENTIFIED BY <password>]
         [USING <connect_string>]

46. What is the difference between a local and a global variable?
A local temporary table exists only for the duration of a connection or, if defined inside a compound
statement, for the duration of the compound statement.
A global temporary table remains in the database permanently, but the rows exist only within a given
connection. When connection are closed, the data in the global temporary table disappears. However,
the table definition remains with the database for access when database is opened next time.

47. How to know which index a table is using? SELECT table_name,index_name FROM user_constraints

48. How to copy the tables, schema and views from one SQL server to another?
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services (DTS) is a set of graphical tools and
programmable objects that lets user extract, transform, and consolidate data from disparate sources
into single or multiple destinations.

49. What is Self Join?
This is a particular case when one table joins to itself, with one or two aliases to avoid confusion. A self
join can be of any type, as long as the joined tables are the same. A self join is rather unique in that it
involves a relationship with only one table. The common example is when company have a hierarchal
reporting structure whereby one member of staff reports to another.

50. What is Cross Join?
A cross join that does not have a WHERE clause produces the Cartesian product of the tables involved
in the join. The size of a Cartesian product result set is the number of rows in the first table multiplied
by the number of rows in the second table. The common example is when company wants to combine
each product with a pricing table to analyze each product at each price.
Which virtual table does a trigger use?
Inserted and Deleted.
51. SQL Querys

DML : Insert ,update,Delete ,Select
DDL : Create ,Alter,Drop
DCL : Grant,Revoke,Deny
TCL : Commit,RollBack,Savepoint,SetTransaction

---------------------------------Rename_Database Start----------------
exec sp_renamedb 'test','e'

create database test
use test
sp_rename 'test','s'
drop database s
exec sp_renamedb 'Reactionlistings','Reactionlistings_Old'
-----------ReName DB-----

EXEC sp_renamedb 'old_name', 'new_name'

-----------ReName Table-----

EXEC sp_rename 'old_name', 'new_name'

-----------ReName Column-----

EXEC sp_rename 'Table_Name.Old_ColumnName', 'New_ColumnName', 'COLUMN'

---------------------------------Rename_Database End----------------
--------------------DB_ReadOnly_Code Start-------------------
EXEC sp_dboption 'Database name', 'read only', 'true'

EXEC sp_dboption 'Database name', 'read only', 'False'
--------------------DB_ReadOnly_Code End-------------------
--create Database test_replication
use test_replication

Select * from sysobjects where type='u' -- Get User created tables from Database
Select * from sysobjects where type='TR' -- Get User created Trigger from Database
Select * from sysobjects where type='V' -- Get User created view from Database
Select * from sysobjects where type='fn' -- Get User created Function from Database

---------------Check Constraint  Start------------------

Create Table Test_Check_Constraint(Cid int,Cname varchar(100),Csalary money Constraint CheckConstraint check(Csalary > 100 and Csalary <500))

---------------Check Constraint  End------------------
Default Constraint :

Create table Test_Default_Constraint(Did int,Currentdate datetime constraint Defaultdate default(getdate()))

53 - What is a Self join?- A join created by joining two or more instances of a same table.
54.  What is a view? - If we have several tables in a db and we want to view only specific columns from specific tables we can go for views. It would also suffice the needs of security some times allowing specfic users to see only specific columns based on the permission that we can configure on the view. Views also reduce the effort that is required for writing queries to access specific columns every time.

55. What is an Index? - When queries are run against a db, an index on that db basically helps in the way the data is sorted to process the query for faster and data retrievals are much faster when we have an index.

56.What is the basic difference between - The difference is that, Clustered index is unique for any given table and we can have only one clustered index on a table. The leaf level of a clustered index is the actual data and the data is resorted in case of clustered index. Whereas in case of non-clustered index the leaf level is actually a pointer to the data in rows so we can have as many non-clustered indexes as we can on the db.

57. When do we use the UPDATE_STATISTICS command? - This command is basically used when we do a large processing of data. If we do a large amount of deletions any modification or Bulk Copy into the tables, we need to basically update the indexes to take these changes into account. UPDATE_STATISTICS updates the indexes on these tables accordingly.

58. What is the use of DBCC commands? - DBCC stands for database consistency checker. We use these commands to check the consistency of the databases, i.e., maintenance, validation task and status checks.

59.Can you give me some DBCC command options?(Database consistency check) - DBCC CHECKDB - Ensures that tables in the db and the indexes are correctly linked.and DBCC CHECKALLOC - To check that all pages in a db are correctly allocated. DBCC SQLPERF - It gives report on current usage of transaction log in percentage. DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP - Checks all tables file group for any damage.

60. What command do we use to rename a db? - sp_renamedb ‘oldname’ , ‘newname’

61. What is the difference between a HAVING CLAUSE and a WHERE CLAUSE? - Having Clause is basically used only with the GROUP BY function in a query. WHERE Clause is applied to each row before they are part of the GROUP BY function in a query.

62. When do you use SQL Profiler? - SQL Profiler utility allows us to basically track connections to the SQL Server and also determine activities such as which SQL Scripts are running, failed jobs etc..

63. What is a Linked Server? - Linked Servers is a concept in SQL Server by which we can add other SQL Server to a Group and query both the SQL Server dbs using T-SQL Statements.

32. Which stored procedure will you be running to add a linked server? - sp_addlinkedserver, sp_addlinkedsrvlogin

64. How do you troubleshoot SQL Server if its running very slow? - First check the processor and memory usage to see that processor is not above 80% utilization and memory not above 40-45% utilization then check the disk utilization using Performance Monitor, Secondly, use SQL Profiler to check for the users and current SQL activities and jobs running which might be a problem. Third would be to run UPDATE_STATISTICS command to update the indexes

65. What is log shipping? Can we do logshipping with SQL Server 7.0 - Logshipping is a new feature of SQL Server 2000. We should have two SQL Server - Enterprise Editions. From Enterprise Manager we can configure the logshipping. In logshipping the transactional log file from one server is automatically updated into the backup database on the other server. If one server fails, the other server will have the same db and we can use this as the DR (disaster recovery) plan.

66. What is BCP? When do we use it? - BulkCopy is a tool used to copy huge amount of data from tables and views. But it won’t copy the structures of the same.

67. What is DataWarehousing?
Subjectoriented, meaning that the data in the database is organized so that all the data elements relating to the same realworld event or object are linked together;
Timevariant, meaning that the changes to the data in the database are tracked and recorded so that reports can be produced showing changes over time;
Nonvolatile, meaning that data in the database is never overwritten or deleted, once committed, the data is
static, readonly, but retained for future reporting.
Integrated, meaning that the database contains data from most or all of an organization's operational applications, and that this data is made consistent.

68. What are different types of Collation Sensitivity?
Case sensitivity A and a, B and b, etc.
Accent sensitivity a and á, o and ó, etc.
Kana Sensitivity When Japanese kana characters Hiragana and Katakana are treated differently, it is called Kana sensitive.
Width sensitivity ‐ A single‐byte character (half‐width) and the same character represented as a double‐byte character (full‐width) are treated differently than it is width sensitive.

69. What is OLTP (Online Transaction Processing)?
In OLTP ‐ online transaction processing systems relational database design use the discipline of data modeling and generally follow the Codd rules of data normalization in order to ensure absolute data integrity. Using these rules complex information is broken down into its most simple structures (a table) where all of the individual atomic level elements relate to each other and satisfy the normalization rules.

70. Name 3 ways to get an accurate count of the number of records in a table?
SELECT * FROM table1
SELECT rows FROM sysindexes WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(table1) AND indid < 2

71. What is the STUFF function and how does it differ from the REPLACE function?
STUFF function is used to overwrite existing characters. Using this syntax, STUFF (string_expression, start, length, replacement_characters), string_expression is the string that will have characters substituted, start is the starting position, length is the number of characters in the string that are substituted, and replacement_characters are the new characters interjected into the string. REPLACE function to replace existing characters of all occurrences. Using the syntax REPLACE (string_expression, search_string, replacement_string), where every incidence of search_string found in the string_expression will be replaced with replacement_string.

72. What is Service Broker?
Service Broker is a message‐queuing technology in SQL Server that allows developers to integrate SQL Server fully into distributed applications. Service Broker is feature which provides facility to SQL Server to send an asynchronous, transactional message. it allows a database to send a message to another database without waiting for the response, so the application will continue to function if the remote database is temporarily unavailable.

73.What are Sparse Columns?
A sparse column is another tool used to reduce the amount of physical storage used in a database. They are the ordinary columns that have an optimized storage for null values. Sparse columns reduce the space requirements for null values at the cost of more overhead to retrieve nonnull values

74.What does TOP Operator Do?
The TOP operator is used to specify the number of rows to be returned by a query. The TOP operator has new addition in SQL SERVER 2008 that it accepts variables as well as literal values and can be used with INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETES statements.
75. What is CTE?
CTE is an abbreviation Common Table Expression. A Common Table Expression (CTE) is an expression that can be thought of as a temporary result set which is defined within the execution of a single SQL statement. A CTE is similar to a derived table in that it is not stored as an object and lasts only for the duration of the query

76. Which are new data types introduced in SQL SERVER 2008?
The GEOMETRY Type: The GEOMETRY data type is a system .NET common language runtime (CLR) data type in SQL Server. This type represents data in a twodimensional Euclidean coordinate system.
The GEOGRAPHY Type: The GEOGRAPHY datatype’s functions are the same as with GEOMETRY. The difference between the two is that when you specify GEOGRAPHY, you are usually specifying points in terms of latitude and longitude.
New Date and Time Datatypes: SQL Server 2008 introduces four new datatypes related to date and time:
DATE: The new DATE type just stores the date itself. It is based on the Gregorian calendar and handles years from 1 to 9999.
TIME: The new TIME (n) type stores time with a range of 00:00:00.0000000 through 23:59:59.9999999. The precision is allowed with this type. TIME supports seconds down to 100 nanoseconds. The n in TIME (n) defines this level of fractional second precision, from 0 to 7 digits of precision.

The DATETIMEOFFSET Type: DATETIMEOFFSET (n) is the timezoneaware version of a datetime datatype. The name will appear less odd when you consider what it really is: a date + a time + a timezone offset. The offset is based on how far behind or ahead you are from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time.

The DATETIME2 Type: It is an extension of the datetime type in earlier versions of SQL Server. This new datatype has a date range covering dates from January 1 of year 1 through December 31 of year 9999. This is a definite improvement over the 1753 lower boundary of the datetime datatype. DATETIME2 not only includes the larger date range, but also has a timestamp and the same fractional precision that TIME type provides

77. How to copy the tables,Schema and Views from one sql server to another?
There are multiple ways to do this.
1) “Detach Database” from one server and “attach Database” to another server
        2) Manually script all the objects using SSMS and run the script on new server.
                3) Use Wizard of SSMS
78.How to copy data from one table to another?
1 Insert Into Select
                This is method is used when table is already created in the database earlier and data is to be inserted into this table from another table. If columns listed in insert clause and select clause are same, they are not required to list them.

This method is used when table is not  created in the database earlier and needs to be created when data from one table is to be inserted into newly created table from another table. New table is created with same data types as selected columns.

79. What does NULL mean?
The value NULL is a very tricky subject in the database world, so don't be surprised if several applicants trip up on this question.

The value NULL means UNKNOWN; it does not mean '' (empty string). Assuming ANSI_NULLS are on in your SQL Server database, which they are by default, any comparison to the value NULL will yield the value NULL. You cannot compare any value with an UNKNOWN value and logically expect to get an answer. You must use the IS NULL operator instead.

80. What is the difference between a return parameter and an OUTPUT parameter?
If the applicant is able to answer this question correctly, the odds are good that they have some experience working with stored procedures.
A return parameter is always returned by a stored procedure, and it is meant to indicate the success or failure of the stored procedure. The return parameter is always an INT data type.
An OUTPUT parameter is designated specifically by the developer, and it can return other types of data, such as characters and numeric values. (There are some limitations on the data types that can be used as output parameters.) You can use multiple OUTPUT parameters in a stored procedure, whereas you can only use one return parameter.
50. How can SQL Server Agent Mail send messages in SQL Server 2005?
SQL Mail through Extended MAPI or Database mail.
SQL Server Agent Mail can be configured to use Database Mail or Extended MAPI.

81. What does the DEALLOCATE statement do in SQL Server 2005?
Remove a reference to a cursor.
This statement is used to remove cursor references. If this is the last reference being removed, the cursor's resources are released.

82. What does the CREATE SERVICE statement do in SQL Server 2005?
This statement is used to setup new tasks for Service Broker queues.
This statement is ue to create a new Service Broker service that is a set of tasks that are run on messages
83. 1. What is a Cartesian product? What causes it?
Expected answer:
A Cartesian product is the result of an unrestricted join of two or more tables. The result set of a three table Cartesian product will have x * y * z number of rows where x, y, z correspond to the number of rows in each table involved in the join. It is causes by specifying a table in the FROM clause without joining it to another table.
84. Q: What is Data Mining
A: Data Mining is the process of sifting through extremely large amounts of Data to find trends or relevant information
85. What is the system function to get the current user’s user id?
USER_ID(). Also check out other system functions like USER_NAME(), SYSTEM_USER, SESSION_USER, CURRENT_USER, USER, SUSER_SID(), HOST_NAME().

86. What is the difference between text and image data type?
 Text and image. Use text for character data if you need to store more than 255 characters in SQL Server 6.5, or more than 8000 in SQL Server 7.0. Use image for binary large objects (BLOBs) such as digital images. With text and image data types, the data is not stored in the row, so the limit of the page size does not apply.All that is stored in the row is a pointer to the database pages that contain the data.Individual text, ntext, and image values can be a maximum of 2-GB, which is too long to store in a single data row.

87. What is sorting and what is the difference between sorting & clustered indexes?
The ORDER BY clause sorts query results by one or more columns up to 8,060 bytes. This will happen by the time when we retrieve data from database. Clustered indexes physically sorting data, while inserting/updating the table.

88.Choosing the Right Backup in SQL Server
SQL Server provides four different methods for backing up your database:
A full backup makes a complete backup of your database. You will almost always need to start your backup strategy with a full backup of your database.
A file backup is useful when your database is so large that a full backup would take too long.
A transaction log backup creates a copy of all changes made to the database that are currently stored in the transaction log.
A differential backup stores all changes that have occurred to the database since the last full backup.
1.     Fully Backing Up the Whole Database
BACKUP DATABASE [dbname] to [backup_device]
For example, BACKUP DATABASE pubs to disk = 'c:\mssql\backup\pubs.bak'
2.     Differential Backup:
A differential backup creates a copy of all the changes that have taken place in the database since the last full backup. The command is the same for a full database backup, with the addition of one clause:
          BACKUP DATABASE [database_name] to disk = 'file_name' with differential
3.     Transaction Log Backup: This command creates a copy of all the transactions in the transaction log at the time the backup was started:
          BACKUP TRAN [database_name] to disk = [file_name]
4.     Backing Up the Database One File at a Time
A complete database backup is certainly a powerful and simple option. In the case of a very large database, however, a complete backup might simply take too long to be feasible.
For instance, this command will back up an individual file:
          BACKUP DATABASE database_name FILE = file_name TO DISK = 'file_for_backup'
89. Export data to existing EXCEL file from SQL Server table
     insert into OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Excel 8.0;Database=D:\testing.xls;',
    'SELECT * FROM [SheetName$]') select * from SQLServerTable
90. Export data from Excel to new SQL Server table
    select * into SQLServerTable FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
    'Excel 8.0;Database=D:\testing.xls;HDR=YES','SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]')
91. Export data from Excel to existing SQL Server table
     Insert into SQLServerTable Select * FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
    'Excel 8.0;Database=D:\testing.xls;HDR=YES','SELECT * FROM [SheetName$]')
92. Utilize BCP with SQL Server 2000
The Bulk Copy Program (BCP) is a command-line utility that ships with SQL Server 2000. With BCP, you can import and export large amounts of data in and out of SQL Server 2000 databases
1. Bcp "Select ID,Description From Veenas.dbo.Item " QueryOut C:\Testing.xls -c-S"KlientDev04" -Usa -POnline123
2. Bcp Veenas.dbo.Item  Out C:\Testing.xls -c-S"KlientDev04" -Usa -POnline123
2. Bcp Veenas.dbo.Item  in C:\Testing.xls -c-S"KlientDev04" -Usa -POnline123
Bulk Insert:
 1. Bulk Insert Hospitals From 'C:\DepartmentIn.txt' WITH ( FIELDTERMINATOR = ',')
2. BCP Dynamic.dbo.Hospitals In C:\aa.txt -c -T -t","
3. Bulk Insert Hospitals From 'C:\DepartmentIn.txt' WITH(FIELDTERMINATOR = ',')

93. Defining custom error messages
To define a custom error message in SQL Server 2005, you can use the stored procedure sp_addmessage, which adds a record to the sys.messages system view. To execute this stored procedure, you need to provide an error number (which will start above 50000 for user-defined messages), a severity level, and the error message.
EXEC sp_addmessage 50001, 1, N'This message is not that big of a deal. This is not caught by error handling, and prints this message to the screen.'
            RAISERROR  (50001,1,1) WITH LOG

94. Database snapshots

Database snapshots was introduced as a new feature in SQL Server 2005
Database snapshots are yet another great new feature in SQL Server 2005. A database snapshot is a read-only copy of a database that reflects all database data up to the point in time for which the snapshot is taken.
These database snapshots are good for reporting purposes because no locks are taken for any queries run in the snapshot database or in the source database. Snapshots are also useful in a disaster because you can revert your existing database to an existing snapshot database or restore individual tables and data as necessary in the event of adverse data manipulation statements.
 CREATE DATABASE SnapshotDatabase ON(

      NAME = 'SourceDatabase_Data', FILENAME = 'C:\SQLServer\SnapshotDatabase.mdf'

) AS SNAPSHOT OF SourceDatabase

95. What is deadlock in sqlserver
deadlocking occurs when two user processes have locks on separate objects and each process is trying to acquire a lock on the object that the other process has. When this happens, SQL Server identifies the problem and ends the deadlock by automatically choosing one process and aborting the other process, allowing the other process to continue. The aborted transaction is rolled back and an error message is sent to the user of the aborted process. Generally, the transaction that requires the least amount of overhead to rollback is the transaction that is aborted.
Here are some tips on how to avoid deadlocking on your SQL Server:
•           Ensure the database design is properly normalized.
•           Have the application access server objects in the same order each time.
•           During transactions, don't allow any user input. Collect it before the transaction begins.
•           Avoid cursors.
•        Reduce lock time. Try to develop your application so that it grabs locks at the latest possible time, and then releases them at the very earliest time.
•           If appropriate, reduce lock escalation by using the ROWLOCK or PAGLOCK.
•           Consider using the NOLOCK hint to prevent locking if the data being locked is not modified often.

96. What is CoRelated SubQuery?
It is very similar to sub-queries where the parent query is executed based on the values returned by sub-quries. but when come’s to co-related subqueries for every instance of parent query subquery is executed and based on the result of sub-query the parent query will display the record as we will have refernce of parent quries in su-queries we call these as corelated subquries.             so, we can define co-related sub query as for every record retrival from the sub query is processed and based on result of process the parent record is displayed.
The main difference between SubQuery and co Related subquery is that in subquery child query excuted first and then parent query will excute.But in Co-Related subquery main query will excuted first and then Child query .Example  Select name from emp where exits(Select empid,salary from emp1 where

97. show randaom rows SELECT FirstName,LastName FROM Person.Contact TABLESAMPLE SYSTEM (1 PERCENT)

98. Select all tables From Database
  Select Table_Name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables where TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE'
99. Select all indexs From Particular Table            EXEC sp_helpindex 'Table_Name'
100. select * From Sysobjects where type=N'K'
            type=N'K'=Display all Primary Keys
            type=N'U'=Display all tables Name
            type=N'P'=Display all Procedures Name
            type=N'S'=Display all System Tables Name
            type=N'TR'=Display all Triggers Name
101. How do I list the databases on my server?
            EXEC sp_databases ,EXEC sp_helpdb, select * from Master.dbo.SysDatabases
102. How do I show all the primary keys in a database?
            EXEC sp_pkeys '<Table_Name>' ,   EXEC sp_helpconstraint '<Table_Name>'
103. How do I show all the triggers in a database?
  EXEC sp_helptrigger 'Table_Name'
104.How do I show the columns for a table?
      1. SELECT name   FROM syscolumns WHERE [id] = OBJECT_ID ('Table_Name')
      2. SELECT column name   FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE Table_Name='Table_Name'
105. How do I show the description property of a column?
     EXEC sp_addextendedproperty  'MS_Description', ‘some description', 'user', dbo, 'table', Table_Name,  
106.How do I show the parameters for a function or stored procedure?
EXEC sp_help 'Procedure Name'
107. How do I show the stored procedures in a database?
108.How do I show the user-defined functions (UDFs) in a database?
109.How do I show the views in a SQL Server database?
EXEC sp_helptext 'view name'
110. Copy Structure of table from one table and create new table
    SELECT TOP 0 * INTO Exam1 FROM Exam
111. See Database Size (Primary size, log file size)—Exec sp_spaceused
112. Change Column Name of Table
            Exec Sp_Rename 'Exam1.Examear','ExamYear','Column'
            Exec Sp_Rename ‘TableName.OldColumnName','NewColumnName','Column'
113. To see the Description of the Table and its Data types  1. Sp_Help Exam1,exec Sp_Help TableName
114. Find number of columns in a table
   select  count(1) from syscolumns SC,Sysobjects SO  where and  = ‘TableName’
115. What is @@Identity in sqlserver2000?
 @@Identity returns the last inserted identity value.
116. Information_Schema
Select * from Information_Schema.Table_privileges –Display table privileges
Select * from Information_Schema.Tables -- Display tables in particular database
Select * from Information_Schema.views      --Display Viws in paricular Datbase
Select * from Information_Schema.Check_Constraints—Get the constraints information
Select * from Information_Schema.Columns—Get the Columns informations
Select * from Information_Schema.Domains-- Get the Domains informations
Select * from Information_Schema.Key_Column_Usage –Display the column usage levels
Select * from Information_Schema.Parameters -- display the Parameters of procedures
Select * from Information_Schema.Routine_Columns -- Get the procedures informations
Select * from Information_Schema.Routines Where Routine_Type='Procedure'
Select * From Sys.Triggers -- Get Triggers info from particular database
Select * From Sys.tables   -- Get ables info from particular database
117.RowNumber Example
118.Linked Server
   sp_addlinkedserver 'test_link','test_link', 'SQLOLEDB',NULL,NULL,'DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=server2;UID=sa;PWD=sa;','mydatabase'

119. Different Types of Lock in SQL Server

There are different types of lock in SQL Server 2000 and 2005. These locks are applied in different situations. Here is the list of locks and the situation for the locks.

SHARED - This lock is applied for read operation where the data is not updated. A good example would be the select statement.

UPDATE – This locked on those resources that can be updated. This lock prevents the common form of dead lock that occurs when multiple sessions are locking the data so that they can update it later.

EXCLUSIVE - Used for data-modification operations, such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. Ensures that multiple updates cannot be made to the same resource at the same time.

INTENT - Used to establish a lock hierarchy. The different types of intent locks are: intent shared, intent exclusive, and shared with intent exclusive.

SCHEMA - Used when an operation dependent on the schema of a table is executing. The different types of schema locks are: schema modification and schema stability.

BULK UPDATE – This lock is applied when there is a bulk copying of data and the TABLOCK is applied

KEY RANGE - Protects the range of rows read by a query when using the serializable transaction isolation level. Ensures that other transactions cannot insert rows that would qualify for the queries of the serializable transaction if the queries were run again.

120. Importing files in SQL Server 2005 using OPENROWSET

OPENROWSET has new BULK features which I'll definitely be taking advantage of in the future.  With OPENROWSET you'll be able to return a result set from a file based on options in a format file (similar to bcp or BULK INSERT), or also import a file in its entirety as a single varbinary(max), varchar(max), or nvarchar(max) data type value. 

 It is the file import functionality that I'm really looking forward to. This is built-in functionality, so you don't have to depend on external applications to import external files into your SQL Server tables.  You use the SINGLE_BLOB, SINGLE_CLOB, or SINGLE_NCLOB to tell SQL Server what kind of single-row, single-column data is being read.

SELECT  2 AS ID, 'North America' AS REGION,* FROM

121. Creating Partitions

Partitioning lets you split a table across multiple storage units called filegroups, based on a user specification

To partition a table or index, you perform the following tasks:
1. Create a partition function.
2. Create a partition scheme mapped to a partition function.
3. Create the table or index on the partition scheme.

ON PRIMARY ( NAME = db_dat,FILENAME = 'c:\test\db.mdf', SIZE = 2MB),
FILEGROUP FG1 ( NAME = FG1_dat, FILENAME = 'c:\test\FG1.ndf', SIZE = 2MB),
FILEGROUP FG2 ( NAME = FG2_dat,FILENAME = 'c:\test\FG2.ndf',SIZE = 2MB),
FILEGROUP FG3 ( NAME = FG3_dat,FILENAME = 'c:\test\FG3.ndf',SIZE = 2MB),
FILEGROUP FG4 ( NAME = FG4_dat,FILENAME = 'c:\test\FG4.ndf',SIZE = 2MB)
LOG ON            ( NAME = db_log, FILENAME = 'c:\test\log.ndf', SIZE = 2MB,FILEGROWTH = 10% );

CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION partfunc (int) AS RANGE LEFT FOR VALUES (1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000);

PARTITION partfunc TO ([FG1], [FG2], [FG3], [FG4], [FG5], [FG6])

([FG1], [FG2], [FG3], [FG4], [FG5], [FG6])

CREATE TABLE dbo.CustomerAddress  (CustomerAddressID int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED,AddressTypeID tinyint NOT NULL, PrimaryAddressFlag bit NOT NULL,AddressLine1 varchar(30) NOT NULL, AddressLine2 varchar(30) NULL,AddressLine3 varchar(30) NULL,
City varchar(50) NOT NULL,StateProvinceID int NULL, PostalCode char(10) NULL,CountryID int NULL)
ON partscheme(CustomerAddressID);

122. What is User Defined Functions?

User-Defined Functions allow to define its own T-SQL functions that can accept 0 or more parameters and return a single scalar data value or a table data type.

What kind of User-Defined Functions can be created?

There are three types of User-Defined functions in SQL Server 2000 and they are Scalar, Inline Table- Valued and Multi-statement Table-valued.

Scalar User-Defined Function

A Scalar user-defined function returns one of the scalar data types. Text, ntext, image and timestamp data types are not supported. These are the type of user-defined functions that most developers are used to in other programming languages. You pass in 0 to many parameters and you get a return value.

Inline Table-Value User-Defined Function

An Inline Table-Value user-defined function returns a table data type and is an exceptional alternative to a view as the user-defined function can pass parameters into a T-SQL select command and in essence provide us with a parameterized, non-updateable view of the underlying tables.

Multi-statement Table-Value User-Defined Function

A Multi-Statement Table-Value user-defined function returns a table and is also an exceptional alternative to a view as the function can support multiple T-SQL statements to build the final result where the view is limited to a single SELECT statement. Also, the ability to pass parameters into a TSQL select command or a group of them gives us the capability to in essence create a parameterized, non-updateable view of the data in the underlying tables. Within the create function command you must define the table structure that is being returned. After creating this type of user-defined function, It can be used in the FROM clause of a T-SQL command unlike the behavior found when using a stored procedure which can also return record sets.

123. What is the STUFF function and how does it differ from the REPLACE function?

STUFF function to overwrite existing characters. Using this syntax, STUFF(string_expression, start, length, replacement_characters), string_expression is the string that will have characters substituted, start is the starting position, length is the number of characters in the string that are substituted, and replacement_characters are the new characters interjected into the string.

REPLACE function to replace existing characters of all occurance. Using this syntax REPLACE(string_expression, search_string, replacement_string), where every incidence of search_string found in the string_expression will be replaced with replacement_string.

124. What is Rules and UserDataTypes?

You define check constraints within the table definition and cannot reuse them. Rules
provide the same functionality as check constraints, except that you create them as a
separate object.
Because rules are not associated with a specific table or column when you create
them, they cannot reference columns or tables in their definition. Instead, you use
variables as placeholders. Rules provide the same features and complex comparisons
via AND, OR, and NOT as check constraints and allow pattern matching

CREATE RULE EmailValidator
@value like '%@%.[a-z][a-z][a-z]' or @value like '%@%.[a-z][a-z].[a-z][a-z]';

Creating User-Defined Types
User-defined types (UDTs) have two purposes in SQL Server 2005. You can use Transact-SQL-based UDTs to enforce consistency in table definitions, and you can use Common Language Runtime (CLR) UDTs to create new data types that do not exist in SQL Server. In this lesson, you see how and when to creat

125. Advantages of Stored procedures?
· Stored procedure can reduced network traffic and latency, boosting application performance.
· Stored procedure execution plans can be reused, staying cached in SQL Server's memory,

1. Execution plan retention and reuse
2. Query auto-parameterization
3. Encapsulation of business rules and policies
4. Application modularization
5. Sharing of application logic between applications
6. Access to database objects that is both secure and uniform
7. Consistent, safe data modification
8. Network bandwidth conservation
9. Support for automatic execution at system start-up
10. Enhanced hardware and software capabilities
11. Improved security
12. Reduced development cost and increased reliability
13. Centralized security, administration, and maintenance for common routines

reducing server overhead.

· Stored procedures help promote code reuse.
· Stored procedures can encapsulate logic. You can change stored procedure code without affecting clients.
· Stored procedures provide better security to your data.

126. Write a SQL Query to find first Week Day of month?
127. How to find 6th highest salary from Employee table
          SELECT TOP 1 salary FROM (SELECT DISTINCT TOP 6 salary FROM employee
ORDER BY salary DESC) a ORDER BY salary

128. How can I enforce to use particular index?
You can use index hint (index=index_name) after the table name. SELECT au_lname FROM authors (index=aunmind)
129. What are the differences between UNION and JOINS?
          A join selects columns from 2 or more tables. A union selects rows.
130. What is the Referential Integrity?
          Referential integrity refers to the consistency that must be maintained between primary and foreign keys, i.e. every foreign key value must have a corresponding primary key value
131. What is the use of SCOPE_IDENTITY() function?
   Returns the most recently created identity value for the tables in the current execution scope.

132. What are the different ways of moving data between servers and databases in SQL Server?
          There are lots of options available, you have to choose your option depending upon your requirements. Some of the options you have are: BACKUP/RESTORE, detaching and attaching databases, replication, DTS, BCP, logshipping, INSERT...SELECT, SELECT...INTO, creating INSERT scripts to generate data.

103. Define candidate key, alternate key, composite key.
A candidate key is one that can identify each row of a table uniquely. Generally a candidate key becomes the primary key of the table. If the table has more than one candidate key, one of them will become the primary key, and the rest are called alternate keys. A key formed by combining at least two or more columns is called composite key

133. What are defaults? Is there a column to which a default can’t be bound?
A default is a value that will be used by a column, if no value is supplied to that column while inserting data. IDENTITY columns and timestamp columns can’t have defaults bound to them. See CREATE DEFAULT in books online.

134. What is RAID and what are different types of RAID configurations?
RAID stands for Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks, used to provide fault tolerance to database servers. There are six RAID levels 0 through 5 offering different levels of performance, fault tolerance.

135.what are the DBCC commands that you commonly use for database maintenance?

136. What is Data Integrity and it's categories ?
Enforcing data integrity ensures the quality of the data in the database. 1) Entity integrity
2) Domain integrity
3) Referential integrity
4) User-defined integrity

Entity Integrity: Entity integrity defines a row as a unique entity for a particular table. Entity integrity enforces the integrity of the identifier column(s) or the primary key of a table (through indexes, UNIQUE constraints, PRIMARY KEY constraints, or IDENTITY properties).

Domain Integrity: Domain integrity is the validity of entries for a given column. You can enforce domain integrity by restricting the type (through data types), the format (through CHECK constraints and rules), or the range of possible values (through FOREIGN KEY constraints, CHECK constraints, DEFAULT efinitions, NOT NULL definitions, and rules).

Referential Integrity: Referential integrity preserves the defined relationships between tables when records are entered or deleted.
• Adding records to a related table if there is no associated record in the primary table.
• Changing values in a primary table that result in orphaned records in a related table.
• Deleting records from a primary table if there are matching related records.

User-Defined: Integrity User-defined integrity allows you to define specific business rules that do not fall into one of the other integrity categories. (all column- and table-level constraints in CREATE TABLE, stored procedures, and triggers).

137. What is the use of DBCC commands?
databases, i.e., maintenance, validation task and status checks.
DBCC CHECKDB - Ensures that tables in the db and the indexes are correctly linked. And
DBCC CHECKALLOC To check that all pages in a db are correctly allocated.
DBCC SQLPERF - It gives report on current usage of transaction log in percentage.
DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP - Checks all tables file group for any damage.

138. What is COMMIT & ROLLBACK statement in SQL ?
Commit statement helps in termination of the current transaction and do all the changes that occur in transaction persistent and this also commits all the changes to the database.COMMIT we can also use in store procedure.
ROLLBACK do the same thing just terminate the currenct transaction but one another thing is that the changes made to database are ROLLBACK to the database.

139. What is DTS in SQL Server ?

If a organization is big then it is also there that there is multiple option to store data some people are using EXCEL some are using ACCESS and some of they are using SQL SERVER and in some other format also but there a problem is arise that how to merge that data into one format there is diffrent tool are there for doing this funtion. One of product of SQL SERVER-2000 DTS helps in this problem it provides a set of tool from that tool we can customise are database acording to our need DTSRun is a command-prompt utility used to execute existing DTS packages.

140. Extended stored procedures
An extended stored procedure is a C or C++ DLL that can be called from Transact-SQL using the same syntax as calling a Transact-SQL stored procedure. Extended stored procedures are a way to extend the capabilities of Transact-SQL to include any resources or services available to Microsoft Win32 applications.

For example, this command registers the function xp_sample, located in xp_sample.dll, as a SQL Server extended stored procedure:

sp_addextendedproc 'xp_sample','xp_sample.dll'
sp_dropextendedproc 'xp_sample','xp_sample.dll'

141. What is Recovery Model in sqlserver?

A recovery model is a database configuration option that controls how transactions are
logged, whether the transaction log is backed up, and what restore options are available
for the database. The recovery model you choose for your database has both datarecovery
implications and performance implications, based on the logging the recovery
model performs or doesn’t perform.

In the Full recovery model, the database engine logs all operations onto the transaction
log, and the database engine never truncate the log. The Full recovery model lets you restore a database to the point of failure (or to an earlier point in
time in SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition).

In the Simple recovery model, the database engine minimally logs most operations
and truncates the transaction log after each checkpoint. In the Simple recovery
model, you cannot back up or restore the transaction log. Furthermore, you cannot
restore individual data pages.

In the Bulk-Logged recovery model, the database engine minimally logs bulk operations
such as SELECT INTO and BULK INSERT. In this recovery model, if a log
backup contains any bulk operation, you can restore the database to the end of
the log backup, not to a point in time. The Bulk-Logged recovery model is
intended to be used only during large bulk operations.


142. How to create Windows Login
The syntax to create a SQL Server login is
CREATE LOGIN login_name WITH PASSWORD='password'

143.Creating Queries That Use Full-Text Search

If your database contains many columns that use string data types such as VARCHAR
or NVARCHAR, you might find that searching these columns for data by using the
Transact-SQL = and LIKE operators does not perform well. A more efficient way to
search text data is to use the SQL Server FTS capabilities.

To do full-text searching, you first must enable full-text indexes for the tables you
want to query. To query a full-text index, you use a special set of functions that differ
from the operators that you use to search other types of data. The main functions for
full-text search are CONTAINS and FREETEXT.

The CONTAINS function searches for exact word matches and word prefix matches.
For instance, the following

SELECT *FROM Person.Address WHERE CONTAINS(AddressLine1, '"Stone*"') Note that you must also use double quotes if you use the prefix identifier. If the double quotes are not included, the string will be searched as an exact match, including
the prefix identifier.

 The CAST and CONVERT functions let you convert between data types. CONVERT is especially useful because it lets you change formatting when converting certain types (for example, datetime) to strings.

145. What is a transaction and ACID property?

A transaction is an atomic unit of work that must be completed in its entirety. The transaction succeeds if it committed and fails if it is aborted. Transactions have four essential properties: atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (known as the ACID properties).

Atomicity: The work cannot be broken into smaller parts. Although a transaction might contain many SQL statements, it must be run as all-or-nothing proposition, which means that, if a transaction is only partially complete when an error occurs, the work reverts to its state prior to the start of the transaction.

Consistency: A transaction must operate on a consistent view of the data and also leave the data in a consistency state. Any work in progress must not be visible to other transactions until the transaction has been committed.

Isolation: A transaction should appear to be running by itself, the effects of other ongoing transactions must be invisible to this transaction, and the effects of this transaction must be invisible to other ongoing transaction.

Durability: When the transaction is committed, it must be persisted so it is not lost in the event of a power failure. Only committed transaction are recovered during power-up and crash recovery; uncommitted work is roll back.

146. String Functions in SQL Server
1) CHARINDEX: CHARINDEX (expression1 ,expression2 [ , start_location ] )
expression1 Is sequence of characters that to be found in expression2. start_location is optional parameter. This will be useful if you want to search the expression1 in expression2 from a specific location.
In simple words this is used to find the starting position of a string (i.e. expression1) with in another string (expression2).
SELECT CHARINDEX('Kadiyala', 'Vijaya Kadiyala') AS String_position
Output : 8
2) DIFFERENCE: DIFFERENCE(Expression1, expression2)
This function is used to find the similarity between two expressions. This is very similar to SOUNDEX in fact this is a wraper over SOUNDEX. This function returns value from 0 to 4. 0 means no similarity and 4 means very close similarity. In simple words this is used to search for Phonetically Similar Data.
3) PATINDEX: PATINDEX (expression1 ,expression2)
expression1 Is sequence of characters that to be found in expression2.
In simple words this is used to find the starting position of a string (i.e. expression1) with in another string (expression2). So what is the difference between PATINDEX and CHARINDEX? Well PATINDEX can be used with Wild characters but not with CHARINDEX. This is similar to LIKE operation. The big advantage with this is you can even use Regular Expressions.
SELECT PATINDEX('%y_l%', 'Vijaya Kadiyala') AS String_position
4) REPLICATE: REPLICATE (expression ,No_Of_Times)
This function is used to copy the same string again and again based on No_Of_Times parameter.
5) LTRIM: LTRIM(char_expression)
This LTRIM (i.e. LeftTRIM) function is used to trim the spaces or blanks on the left side of the string.
SELECT ( '*' + LTRIM (' STEVE ') + '*') AS ltrim1
Output:*STEVE  *
6) RTRIM: RTRIM(char_expression)
    This RTRIM (i.e. RightTRIM) function is used to trim the spaces or blanks on the Right side of the string.
    SELECT ( '*' + L   TRIM (' STEVE ') + '*') AS ltrim1
7) SUBSTRING: SUBSTRING(expression,start_integer,length_integer)
The SUBSTRING() function is bascailly returns a part of the string based on the starting point to
specified number of characters.
Ex: SELECT SUBSTRING(‘alagesan’,1,3) as First_3 FROM Employee
8) STUFF : STUFF(char_expression1,start_integer,length_integer,char_expression2)
The STUFF() function is very similar to REPLACE function where it is used replaces certain characters not based on the pattern but based on the starting position and length. It replaces characters in char_expression1 based on length_integer starting from start_integer with the char_expression2
Ex: SELECT STUFF(‘alagesan’,1,5,’a’) as First_3 FROM Employee
147.What are Data commands in sql server?
DML is abbreviation of Data Manipulation Language. It is used to retrieve, store, modify, delete, insert and update data in database Examples: SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT statements
DDL is abbreviation of Data Definition Language. It is used to create and modify the structure of database objects in database. Examples: CREATE, ALTER, DROP statements
DCL is abbreviation of Data Control Language. It is used to create roles, permissions, and referential integrity as well it is used to control access to database by securing it.Examples: GRANT, REVOKE statements
TCL is abbreviation of Transactional Control Language. It is used to manage different transactions occurring within a database. Examples: COMMIT, ROLLBACK statements

148. What is the difference between UNION ALL Statement and UNION ?
Answer:- The main difference between UNION ALL statement and UNION is UNION All statement is much faster than UNION,the reason behind this is that because UNION ALL statement does not look for duplicate rows, but on the other hand UNION statement does look for duplicate rows, whether or not they exist.

149. What is Database mirroring ?
Database mirroring is a new SQL Server 2005 technology available for review for increasing database availability. Database mirroring transfers transaction log records directly from one server to another and can quickly fail over to the standby server. You can code client applications to automatically redirect their connection information, and in the event of a failover, automatically connect to the standby server and database. Fast failover with minimal data loss has traditionally involved higher hardware cost and greater software complexity. Database mirroring, however, can fail over quickly with no loss of committed data, does not require proprietary hardware, and is easy to set up and manage

Some important items to note about database mirroring:
• The principal database must be in the FULL recovery model. Log records that result from bulk-logged
          operations cannot be sent to the mirror database.
•The mirror database must be initialized from a restore of the principal database with NORECOVERY, followed
          by restores in sequence of principal transaction log backups.
•The mirror database must have the same name as the principal database.

150. Difference Between IN and EXISTS

IN:Returns Collection f valuse if a specified value matches any value in a subquery or a list.
Exists:Returns true if a subquery contains any rows.

151. What is the system function to get the current user's user id?
USER_ID(). Also check out other system functions like USER_NAME(),

152. What is the pivot operator in MS SQL Server2005? What is the use of it and how do we use it?
The PIVOT operator rotates rows into columns, optionally performing aggregations or other mathematical calculations along the way. It widens the input table expression based on a given pivot column and generates an output table with a column for each unique value in the pivot column. The UNPIVOT operator performs an operation opposite to the one PIVOT performs; it rotates columns into rows. The UNPIVOT operator narrows the input table expression based on a pivot column.
For eg:
SELECT CAST(YEAR(SaleDate) AS VARCHAR(4)), BigScreen, PoolTable, Computer
FROM SalesHistory PIVOT
( SUM(SalePrice) FOR Product IN(BigScreen, PoolTable, Computer)) AS p

153. What are data objects?
Tables,Views,clusters,index,cluster and sequences are callled dataobjects for a database.

154. What is the difference between the full, simple and bulk log recovery models? 
SIMPLE: Uses full or differential copies of the database. Truncates the transaction logs automatically. Does not backup the transaction log file(s).Changes made after the last backup cannot be restored (they are lost).

FULL: Includes both database and transaction log backups. The transaction logs must be manually truncated. Recovery can be don to a specific point in time. Only transactions in process at the time of the backup will be lost (those that are rolled back).

BULK: Includes both database and transaction log backups, but individual transaction data is not logged for bulk transactions. Transaction logs must be truncated manually. Restore cannot be done to a specific point in time.

154. How to display the table data in XML format using SQL Server. 
SELECT * FROM customer FOR XML AUTO, ROOT('customers')
The FOR XML Clause :
The For XML clause does most of the work for us and it can be used in various ways. The basic syntax of the query is:

SELECT * FROM customer FOR XML [output mode], [display keyword]RAW and AUTO output modes

These are two major used output modes which can further be customized by the display keywords to achieve most structures of XML derived from a particular table. The RAW mode takes each element as a row element and all the column values are taken as the attribute of that row element. On the other hand the AUTO mode outputs each element as the table name and the column values as attributes of these elements. Below is an example of the XML Raw and For XML Auto query:


155. How will you copy the structure of a table without copying the data?
Select * into newtablename from oldtablename where 1= 0

156. What is the difference between "translate" and "replace"? 
Replace replace every instence of character with character sting by the given charator of string. this work for entire word and pattern,.

Translate replace the one charecte at a time.Translating the nth character match with the nth character with the replacemnt string .

157. Difference between Store Procedure and Trigger?
Triggers are used to initiate a particular activity after fulfilling certain condition.It need to define and can be enable and disable according to need.

Procedure we need execute manually, trigger fired whn the event is occured(insert ,delete,update,..etc) .
One more thing when we use truncate command the trigger ll not fire,

158. New features in SQL SERVER 2008 for DATABASE developers

1.Increase the precision of storing and managing DATE and TIME information.
2.Store semi-structured and sparsely populated sets of data efficiently, using Sparse Columns.
3.New fully integrated Full-Text Indexes enable high-performance, scalable, and manageable Full-Text Indexing.
4.Create large User-Defined Types and User-Defined Aggregates greater than 8 KB.
5.Pass large amounts of data easily to functions or procedures using new Table-Value Parameters.
6.Perform multiple operations efficiently with the new MERGE command.
7.Model hierarchical data, such as org charts, or files and folders, using the new HierarchyID data type.
8.Build powerful location-aware applications, using SQL Server’s new standards-compliant spatial data types
          and spatial indexing capabilities.
9.Manage files and documents efficiently with full SQL Server security and transaction support, using the
          powerful new FILESTREAM data type.
10.Easily identify dependencies across objects and databases, using New Dependency Management.
11.Experience faster queries and reporting with Grouping Sets through powerful ANSI standards-compliant
          extensions to the GROUP BY clause.

159. What is SSIS?
According to Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services, “(SSIS) is an effective set of tools for both the traditional demands of ETL operations, as well as for the evolving needs of general purpose data integration.” In short, it is the next version of DTS (Data Transformation Services). ETL stands for Extract, Transform and Loading. In short it is a data migration tool that is flexible, fast, and has scalable architecture that enables effective data integration in current business environments
Experience efficient, high-performance data access, using new Filtered Indexes for subsets of data.

160 What are the Security Enhancements in SQL Server 2005?
  SQL Server 2005 enables administrators to manage permissions at a granular level.
 1. In the new SQL Server 2005, we can specify a context under which statements in a module can execute.
 2.SQL Server 2005 clustering supports Kerberos authentication against a SQL Server 2005 virtual server.
 3. Administrators can specify Microsoft Windows-style policies on standard logins so that a consistent policy
          is applied across all accounts in the domain.
 4.SQL Server 2005 supports encryption capabilities within the database itself, fully integrated with a key
   management infrastructure. By default, client-server communications are encrypted.

161.What is Information Schema in SQL Sever 2005?

Information Schema is the part of the SQL- 92 standard which exposes the metadata of the database. In SQL server, a set of views are created in each of the databases which exposes the metadata of the database. The information schema is kept in a separate schema – information schema – which exists in all databases, but which is not included in the search path by default. For more information regarding Information schema please read this article.

162. What is Full Text Search? How does it get implemented in SQL server 2005?
Full-text search allows fast and flexible indexing for keyword-based query of text data stored in a Microsoft SQL Server database. In contrast to the LIKE predicate which only works on character patterns, full-text queries perform linguistic searches against this data, by operating on words and phrases based on rules of a particular language.

163. What is Database Partitioning in SQL Server 2005?
SQL Server 2005 provides a new capability for the partitioning of tables across file groups in a database. Partitioning a database improves performance and simplifies maintenance. By splitting a large table into smaller, individual tables, queries accessing only a fraction of the data can run faster because there is less data to scan

164.What are the New Data types introduced in SQL Server 2005?

165. What are Checkpoint in SQL Server ?
When we done operation on SQL SERVER that is not commited directly to the database.All operation must be logged in to Transaction log files after that they should be done on to the main database.CheckPoint are the point which alert Sql Server to save all the data to main database if no check point is there then Log files get full we can use Checkpoint command to commit all data in the SQL SERVER.When we stop the SQL Server it will take long time because Checkpoint is also fired.

165. What is the recommended way to send mail from SQLAgent in SQL Server 2005?
Database Mail
You can use either Database Mail or SQLMail with SQL Agent in SQL Server 2005. However since SQLMail will be removed, it is recommended that you use Database Mail.

166. What does the Queue Reader Agent do in SQL Server 2005 replication?
This agent reads the subscriber logs and moves changes back to the publisher.
This agent is used when the queued update model is chosen with transactional replication. It moves changes from the subscribers back to the publishers.

167. What are the three possible functions of the plus (+) operator in SQL Server 2005, the base installed T-SQL?
Add, string concatenation, unary plus
The three functions are Add, String Concatenation, and Unary Plus.

168. What does the CEILING() function do?
Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the value passed in.
CEILING() returns the smallest integer that is great than or equal to the value passed in.

169. What is row versioning in SQL Server 2005?
Row versioning keeps a copy of each row for use by applications or transactions to prevent readers from being blocked by writers.
Row versioning is a method whereby the database engine keeps a copy of a row's data as it existed before the start of a transaction for queries to read this data and reduce locking contention if they are configured.

170. Which of the following columns can be indexed with SQL Server 2005 Full-Text Search?
char, varchar, nvarchar, and varbinary, text, ntext, and image
All character columns, char, varchar and nvarchar columns including max, text and ntext, and image columns are valid for full-text searching.

171. What does the ERROR_PROCEDURE() function return?
The name of the stored procedure that caused an error.
The ERROR_PROCEDURE() function is placed in the catch block of a TRY..CATCH construct and returns the name of the procedure that caused an error to be thrown.

172. What does @@options return?
The current SET options for the connection.
The @@options variable returns a list of the options set for the current connection. This is returned as integer and each bit in the integer represents an option.

173.What does SEND do in SQL Server 2005?
Sends a service broker message using a conversation.
SEND is used to send a message on an existing conversation in the Service Broker architecture.

174. What can be used to ensure that a field in a table only accepts a certain range of values?
This question can be answered a couple of different ways, but only one answer is a "good" one. The answer you want to hear is a Check constraint, which is defined on a database table that limits the values entered into that column. These constraints are relatively easy to create, and they are the recommended type for enforcing domain integrity in SQL Server.

Triggers can also be used to restrict the values accepted in a field in a database table, but this solution requires the trigger to be defined on the table, which can hinder performance in certain situations. For this reason, Microsoft recommends Check constraints over all other methods for restricting domain integrity.

178.Sample Queries:
1. Create Non Clustered Index
Create NONCLUSTERED INDEX [NonClustRun] ON [dbo].[MedicalJobHeader]
2. Disable Indexes
ALTER INDEX [NonClustRun] ON [dbo].[MedicalJobHeader] DISABLE
3. Sp_Help procedures
          Exec Sp_HelpIndex ILR_AIM(Object-Table,Pro,Func,constraints Details)---- Get details
          Exec Sp_SpaceUsed 'ILR_AIM'
          exec sp_addtype 'datetime', Datetime
4.General Queries(String Functions)
          Select Replace('Alagesan','ala','M') output: Mgesan
          Select Stuff('Alagesan',1,4,'R')       output: Resan
          Select Substring('Alagesan',1,3)      output: Ala
Select Char(65)                                     output: 65
Select Ascii('A')                                     output: 65
          Select Top 0 * Into Customer1 From Customer –Create new table from exists without data
          ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON OBJECT::LandingInformatics TO sa –persmission to database diagrams
          Exec Sp_Configure 'clr enabled', 1

5. Select Data from another server
          Select * From OPENDATASOURCE( 'SQLOLEDB', 'Data Source=KlientDev02;User ID=sa;Password=Online123' ).FreightController.dbo.Employee
6.Enable and disable triggers
          Enable Trigger  Tr_RegNo On CompanyAddressBook
Disable Trigger  Tr_RegNo On CompanyAddressBook
7.Constraints Example
1.ALTER TABLE [dbo].[AddressBook] ADD  CONSTRAINT [FK_ _AddressBookID] Foreign
          Key(AddressBookID) References AddressBook(AddressBookID)
          2. Create NonClustered Index IX_BankAddressBook_AccountNo On AddressBook(AccountNo)
11. Check Constraints
     ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Employee] with check ADD CONSTRAINT [Email_Validate]CHECK(ID>0)
          sp_helpConstraint Employee
8.Check Case Sensitive       
select * from Employee Where  BINARY_CHECKSUM(Password) =BINARY_CHECKSUM('admin')
          select * from Employee Where Convert(Varbinary,Password) =Convert(Varbinary,'Admin')
          select * from Employee Where Password ='admin'  COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS
9. Create Linked server      
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver @server = 'NEWSERVER',@srvproduct = 'Checking',
@provider = 'SQLNCLI', @datasrc = 'MyServer'
10.Using RowNumber() Function
RANK() OVER(ORDER BY Department) AS Ranking FROM vEmployee
          3. SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Department) AS RowNum,
DENSE_RANK() OVER(ORDER BY Department) AS Ranking FROM vEmployee
11. Example for CASE
          Select Case
                             When(TrailerID >0)then (Select Name from Vehicles)
                   ELSE case
                             when (TrailerID>0)Then (Select Name from Vehicles)
                   End as Vehicle From JobHeader
12.Examples For Rules
create Rule SampleRule as @Salary >0
sp_bindRule 'ableName.ColumnName'
sp_UnbindRule 'Employee.Salary'
drop rule SampleRule

13. COALESCE Function
          DECLARE @foo VARCHAR(5) SET @foo = NULL
SELECT COALESCE(@foo, '123456789') OutPut: 123456789
14.DateTime Functions
          First day of the Month
          SELECT DATENAME(dw, DATEADD(dd, - DATEPART(dd, GETDATE()) + 1, GETDATE())) AS FirstDay
DATEADD Functions
DATEADD Function adds a certain interval of time to the specified date and time value
Syntax: DATEADD (datepart , number, date ) EX: Select DATEADD (yy , 1, GetDate())
 DATEDIFF () gives the difference between the two date values.
 Syntax:DATEDIFF ( datepart , startdate , enddate )
To retrieve any part of date and time use DATEPART function.
Syntax: DATEPART ( datepart , date )
DATEPART                                                                                 Output
SELECT DATEPART(year, '2009-02-13 18:35:06.523')               2009
SELECT DATEPART(quarter, '2009-02-13 18:35:06.523')           1
SELECT DATEPART(month, '2009-02-13 18:35:06.523')   2
SELECT DATEPART(dayofyear, '2009-02-13 18:35:06.523')       44
SELECT DATEPART(day, '2009-02-13 18:35:06.523')                13
SELECT DATEPART(week, '2009-02-13 18:35:06.523')              7
SELECT DATEPART(weekday, '2009-02-13 18:35:06.523')        6
DATENAME Function returns a character string that represents date part of the specified date.
Syntax: DATENAME ( datepart , date )
SELECT DATENAME (month, '2009-02-13 18:35:06.523')  => Output : February

DAY, MONTH, and YEAR Functions
SELECT   DAY('2009-02-1 18:35:06.523') as 'Day', MONTH('2009-02-1 18:35:06.523') as 'Month', YEAR('2009-02-1 18:35:06.523') as 'Year

----Last Day of Current Year
----First Day of Current Year
----Last Day of Current Month
----First Day of Current Month
----First Day of Last Week
SELECT DATEADD(wk,DATEDIFF(wk,7,GETDATE()),0) 'First Day of Last Week'
----First Day of Current Week
----Last Day of Current Week
SELECT DATEADD(wk,DATEDIFF(wk,0,GETDATE()),6) 'Last Day of Current Week'
SELECT DATEADD(d,-1,GETDATE()) 'Yesterday'
--–First Day Of Current Quarter
SELECT Dateadd(qq, Datediff(qq,0,GetDate()), 0)
–--First Day Of Current Quarter
SELECT Dateadd(qq, Datediff(qq,0,GetDate()), 0)